Kvalitně a zodpovědně odvedená práce
Representatives of the construction and assembly company Stavomontex s.r.o. operate on the simple basic idea that quality and responsibly performed work is the best advertisement the company can represent itself with. Hence, the company prides itself with having a team of professionally qualified people, from workers to management, who understand their work and perform at the highest level possible.
The construction and assembly company team is carefully composed of individuals with decades of industry experience and professional knowledge acquired at modern educational institutes. As a team they have participated in projects worth tens to hundreds of millions Czech crowns over the past few years.
Our construction and assembly company focuses primarily on reconstruction and revitalization construction work with a strong emphasis on subsequent energy savings.
The technologies it uses meet the demanding criteria of contracting authorities thanks to high standards. For this reason, among others, the company can offer a longer warranty on completed work than the competition.
We look forward to potential cooperation
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